Sustainability and our Promise

We promise to continue looking for ways to ensure our business is sustainable and as gentle on the planet as possible.

What are we already doing?

  • We keep group numbers small when out in the mountains and change routes and camp-sites often to minimise pressure on the fragile montane environments we trek through.
  • We promote the use of public transport and offer our own group transport to start points.
  • We have changed how we package our packed lunches to eliminate single-use plastic.
  • We promote a love for the outdoors and natural environment which in turn encourages our clients to look for ways to reduce their own impact once home.

What are we planning on doing?

  • Continue to find ways to reduce our waste, specifically in regards to food and packaging. 
  • Sourcing a renewable energy supplier for our headquarters.
  • Start a tree-planting scheme for our trekkers where we will organise the planting of a tree for every client that joins us on a trek.

Tackling the bigger things. What can we aim for?

  • Currently we use trekking and wild-camping equipment from a number of outdoor brands, some of which are tackling their environmental impact in a bigger way than others.
  • We promise to always look to source our equipment when possible from those that are doing more for the planet. We will also prioritise ethical companies in regards to the manufacturing and distribution of their products.
  • We also promise to put pressure on our other suppliers to continue moving forward to reduce their environmental impact and progress in moving towards being ethically sound.